With millions of Americans having recently switched to working from home, and a clear preference to continue remote work into the future, are you taking appropriate health precautions?
While staying home is one of the best ways to stay safe and slow the spread of COVID-19, staring at screens all day might be wreaking havoc on your neck and back. Breaking up the time you spend looking at devices can be incredibly beneficial for reducing neck and back pain. So can getting the right equipment for your home office, taking regular activity breaks throughout the day, making sure you sleep correctly, and using a chiropractic at-home neck stretcher.
With busy crowds making gyms a potential super-spreader location, many individuals are turning to working out from home to get their activity in, without risking their health. And, you don’t need a ton of expensive equipment to get started. In fact, you can still get a full strength training workout in, without needing dumbbells.
Bodyweight squats
Squats are a great way to strengthen your leg and glute muscles.
Start with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees until they’re at a right angle, pushing back like you’re sitting down. Do 10 squats and repeat.
For an extra challenge, add in foam yoga wedges. You can also add a 30-second hold between reps.
Bodyweight planks
To tone your arms and abs, do some planks. Planks are an easy exercise to make more difficult. Try alternating lifting your legs, tapping your shoulders, or even doing a side plank.

For a bigger challenge, and to get the family involved, have one of your kids sit on your back while you’re planking. Remember to go slow and be careful not to over-exert yourself.
Wheelbarrow squats
We recently shared these as part of our Valentine’s Day Partner Workout! With wheelbarrow squats, you hold your partner’s legs in a wheelbarrow while doing a squat. Your partner’s legs provide increased weight for you, and doing a push-up at an angled position will increase their effort needed as well.
Get creative with what you have at home
Just because you don’t have traditional dumbbells doesn’t mean you don’t have viable weights! Get creative with what you have around the house - you might surprise yourself.
A few ideas to get you started:
- Full milk or juice jugs
- Laundry or dish detergent
- Bag of flour, rice, or dirt
It’s as important as ever to take your health seriously. That’s why we’re constantly sharing resources for living a healthier life. Explore all of our educational articles and be sure to follow us on Instagram for more updates!